Breastfeeding your new bundle of joy can be magical, but for some new mums
it can be a real challenge for various reasons. We have all heard the saying that breast is best, but for some women it feels like a huge uphill battle that they are losing. This pressure that you put on yourself to successfully breastfeed can lead to a decline in a new mums mental health, which is something we don’t want.
The thing is, yes breastfeeding is amazing, but sometimes we need a bit of guidance and support.
As a new mum, you want to do the best by your baby and for it to come naturally but sometimes it just isn’t the case. Unfortunately there is this pressure to breastfeed your baby successfully and some women can really beat themselves up about it if they can’t.
The most common reasons that women give up breastfeeding are:
• Lack of milk
• Sore/cracked nipples
• Premature baby
• Inverted nipples
• Flat nipples
• Poor sucking reflex
• Tongue/lip ties
These are the most common reasons that women give up breastfeeding as it just becomes too hard and too exhausting.
There are health care professionals and organisations out there to help you through this time.
La Lache League
Maternity Mum
The National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Midwives are trained in breastfeeding and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. If you are in hospital or at home your midwife can assist you and give helpful advice. Please don’t be shy to ask for help.
Lactation Consultants
Lactation consultants focus primarily on breastfeeding and supporting mums to feed their baby. They have a wealth of knowledge and have a lot of tricks up their sleeve to assist you.
Health visitor
Health visitors will look after you and your baby once you have been discharged from your midwife. Health visitors are also trained in breastfeeding, so use their knowledge and experience.
Local Breastfeeding Groups
Every county or area has different resources to help and guide you through this time. All you need to do is reach out for help, go to the local coffee group or local breastfeeding support network. There will be breastfeeding specialists there to help iron out any problems.
Sometimes it may only take a few visits and you will be back breastfeeding like a pro. There is no point in suffering on your own when there is so much help readily available.
Breastfeeding should be a time to connect and bond, not a time of frustration. Make sure you get some help as a lot of breastfeeding issues can be resolved very quickly.
Happy breastfeeding!!
If you feel that you need some help with breastfeeding or just an extra pair of hands to help, please get in touch.
Read more informative pregnancy, childbirth and baby related articles at Maternity Mum.